Trani is 15 km from Molfetta.
it overlooks the Adriatic Sea with its typical buildings in stone and its important city harbor, recently restored.
Among the most important monuments of the city there is the Cathedral of St. Nicola Pilgrim, a typical Romanesque cathedral overhanging the sea, richly decorated in its interior, which houses the San Nicola and Santa Maria's crypts and the hypogeum of St. Leucio. Another point of interest is Castello Svevo, a massive fortress designed by Federico II.
Behind the harbor there are the alleyways of the Jewish Quarter of Giudecca, with their ancient synagogues and art and craft shops; the Villa Comunale, a relaxing public garden on the sea and, farther, the Monastery of Santa Maria Colonna. Enclosed between the pier of Santa Lucia and that of Sant'Antonio, there is the elegant harbor on the Adriatic sea, heart of nightlife of the city, where you can buy fresh fish or enjoy a glass of Moscato on the seashore.